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Health care Berlin Startup Search engine for Medicine

Healthcare Startup from Berlin for pharmacies and end-users



Founder / CEO:  Maximilian Wilke

Company / Project: Whatsin my meds, brand from vitalfunktion GmbH. Based in Berlin. 


Why did I start coaching? What were my expectations?

I had just incorporated my start-up when I became aware of the of the IBB coaching Bonus. I didn't know until then that there was such a thing for founders. Many things and topics were still quite confused, especially in the initial phase of a company, and the events that are happening every day. My expectations of the coaching were to bring more structure into my business and to develop creative business strategies. All with the goal of being more successful in the end.


What did the IBB coaching bring do with my Startup?

The coaching helped me to professionalise myself and my start-up and to set the right course from the beginning. For example, during the coaching we discussed my business model profoundly. We went through the sales channels and cooperation partners. This had a lasting and positive effect on the development of the company, which I still happen to notice strongly. A further component of the coaching was the development of an investor strategy and make me investor ready. The coaching showed me how to understand which investors to approach, when and how. All in all, the coaching led me from start-up chaos to a structured and successful business.


What makes coaching with Joris special?

Joris manages to get up to speed in the business things in a very short time. He uses his vast amount of experience and approaches topics in a super structured way. He questions (almost) everything (favourite question: "Why?") and tickles unrecognised details out of you. At the same time he is extremely empathic - and pleasant to work with. My company and I have really matured with the Coaching support from Joris.


What would you recommend other entrepreneurs?

Go to Joris - and as early as possible! He will help you to get your startup fluff out of your head and become an entrepreneur. Every meeting is a milestone!



Maximilian Wilke Pharmacist and Startup founder from Berlin

Quote Max:

"In retrospect, taking advantage of coaching was one of the most important decisions of my founding phase."

Maximilian Wilke Pharmacist and Startup founder from Berlin 


Orange Octopus is een Reichweite GmbH merk

Lohmühlenstraße 65,

12435 Berlijn Duitsland

Tel: +49 173 311 0790

2017 - 2020


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