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start-up and scale-up

Services with

Immediate Impact


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We see often that - Strategy - has different meanings. We support you with Target Setting and how to reach these Targets in an efficient. This could include Business Model Review and Optimization and the development of your Company Roadmap.


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Cash, Funding and Finance is not a short-term goal for a growing business but it is a mean. All companies need cash especially those that want to grow fast. Growth sucks Cash. We support you with solid and convincing Finance Plans, VC Pitching Decks, Pitching itself, Funding Strategy including Grants and Subsidies.


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Targetting, Qualifying, Capturing and eventually Converting Leads is key to almost any Company. Equally important is understanding the Customer Journey in order to optimize the Journey. We support in Setting up and Optimizing all major Marketing Activities and Processes. In some industries or businesses, especially B2B, Deal Closing is important. We support, with our years of experience, you to prepare for Deal Closing especially with your first major Customer.  Thereafter it becomes, slightly, easier.


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Expanding International is a great but challenging way to strongly grow your Business. There are various of reasons to expand. Sometimes a company needs to stay ahead of competition, sometimes the growth in the current market is slowing down and sometimes a company simply wants to grow. We have developed models to support with questions like where to go (first), how to expand and what are the most common pitfalls made (and help to prevent these).

startup scale up assessment or INvestor readiness

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The main focus is to indicate (future) hurdles that prevent the company from strong growth and scaling up. The assessment is categorised in different categories, which in turn is again:


  1. Marketing & sales

  2. HR

  3. Finance

  4. IT

  5. Operations

  6. Product / Service - special topic

  7. C-Team - special topic


Usually the focus is on the requisites of successful product launch, market entry and growth.For this a startup needs to be strong in processes, procedures and (IT) systems in all company disciplines but especially in HR, building and growing the team, and commerce (marketing / sales). Of course, the focus depends on the teams, businesses and/or markets and is case by case specific. In the end, the focus is on the essentials for fast growth and scale.  Underlying, of course, are the disciplines Finance, Operations and IT infrastructure. As well as the products / services and the Management team. But depending on the business, industry or product / services a stronger focus can go to other potential hurdles. 


Orange Octopus is a Reichweite GmbH brand

Reichweite GmbH c/o Joris van Winsen

Esmarch str 19

10407 Berlin Germany 


Phone: +49 (0) 173 311 0790

Phone: +31 (0)6 18 14 84 21

2017 - 2025


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